How much public sector collected?

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Revenues and Balance of Social Insurance Agency Funds

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Current Revenues 4 447,6 821 1 880 -3,5%
Old Age Insurance Fund Revenues 1 973,1 364 834 -1,7%
Solidarity Reserve Fund Revenues 667,0 123 282 -6,2%
Expenditures of Fund on Pensions 4 265,8 787 1 803 11,1%
Balance -1 625,7 -300 -687 n.a.
Disability Insurance 860,0 159 364 -3,7%
Expenditures of Disability Insurance Fund on Pensions 769,4 142 325 11,1%
Old Age Contributions for Disabled 0,0 0 0 n.a.
Balance 90,7 17 38 -54,7%
Sickness Insurance 368,6 68 156 -3,7%
Expenditures of Sickness Insurance Fund on Pensions 316,7 58 134 28,5%
Balance 52,0 10 22 -61,9%
Accident Insurance 115,4 21 49 -6,9%
Expenditures of Accident Insurance Fund on Pensions 40,1 7 17 11,3%
Balance 75,2 14 32 -14,3%
Unemployment Insurance 250,6 46 106 -6,7%
Expenditures of Unemployment Insurance Fund on Pensions 172,4 32 73 160,8%
Balance 78,2 14 33 -61,4%
Employer Insolvency Insurance 50,9 9 22 -1,0%
Expenditures of Insolvency Insurance Fund 47,0 9 20 40,7%
Balance 3,9 1 2 -78,2%
Administration Fund 161,9 30 68 -4,1%
Expenditures of Administration Fund 146,9 27 62 -6,8%
Balance 15,0 3 6 33,0%

Table description

Contributions paid to the Social Insurance Agency (SIA) are divided into funds from which benefits are paid according to their purpose (see review in section How much public sector spends). From every euro paid into SIA are about 3 cents used to finance its activities. Balance, which is the difference between revenues and expenditures of funds indicates that the financing of individual funds is not balanced. While the Pension fund even with added income from reserve solidarity fund has a loss, other state funds are in a significant surplus.