Taxes collected by Municipalities and SGR |
Eur mil. | Per capita | Per working person | Annual change |
Motor Vehicle Taxes (revenue of SGR) | 118,0 | 22 | 50 | -2,0% |
Local Taxes | 412,9 | 76 | 175 | 5,2% |
Property Taxes | 254,8 | 47 | 108 | 7,3% |
Taxes on Land | 69,0 | 13 | 29 | n.a. |
Taxes on Buildings | 174,4 | 32 | 74 | n.a. |
Taxes on Apartments | 11,4 | 2 | 5 | n.a. |
Taxes on Specific Services | 158,1 | 29 | 67 | 1,9% |
Total Taxes Set by Municipalities and SGRs | 530,9 | 98 | 224 | 3,5% |
Share of Municipalities on Revenues from Personal Income Tax | 1 068,1 | 197 | 451 | -16,6% |
Share of SGRs on revenues from Personal Income Tax | 357,0 | 66 | 151 | -16,6% |
Municipalities can determine the amount of property taxes, self-governing units (VUC) can set up the amount of tax revenue from motor vehicles. Although municipalities’ revenue is 70,3% and revenue of VUC 23,5% of the personal income tax revenues, muticipalities or VUC do not affect the rate and thus collected amount of taxes.