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Social Insurance Agency Expenditures

EUR mil. Per capita Per working person Annual change
Expenditures of Funds 7 508,9 1 384 3 160 4,3%
Old Age Insurance Fund Expenditures 5 845,7 1 077 2 460 4,3%
Disability Insurance Fund Expenditures 933,9 172 393 -0,5%
Sickness Insurance Fund Expenditures 509,2 94 214 15,5%
Accident Insurance Fund Expenditures 50,3 9 21 1,2%
Unemployment Insurance Fund Expenditures 153,1 28 64 4,1%
Employer Insolvence Insurance Fund Expenditures 16,7 3 7 3,2%
Administration of Social Insurance Agency 106,0 20 45 0,0%
Revenues of Funds (current year) 7 048,4 1 299 2 966 7,5%
State Budget Subsidy 547,6 101 230 -13,8%
Total loss / surplus (-/+) -18,8 -3 -8 n.a.
Transfer of Contributions to Capital Funds (II. Pillar) 547,6 101 230 21,0%
Subsidy without II. Pillar Effect 0,0 0 0 n.a.
Loss / surplus without Subsidy and II. Pillar Effect (-/+) -18,8 -3 -8 n.a.

Table description

Social Insurance Agency pays benefits to citizens who are entitled to them. Lack of income of the Agency caused by the payments flowing into the accounts of savers in the private pension funds (second pillar) is subsidised by the government state assets. Expenditures on retirement pensions are so high today that the loss would occur even in the case of non-existence of the second pillar. Item loss/surplus shows this difference. It is counted only as an income in the current year (surpluses from the previous years are not included).